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Our Purpose:

People need to continually keep up with expanding knowledge and perpetually develop new skills to stay relevant and sustain their lifestyles in our website apnaurdustore.blogspot.com will  deliver Islamic and Social knowledge about world countries,, both past and present, and reveal their key ideas to help you excel in every area of your personal and professional life.

The Prophet Muhammad () said "If anyone travels on a road in search of knowledge, Allah will cause him to travel on one of the roads of Paradise."
 (Sunan of Abu-Dawood, Hadith 1631)

In an age when the Muslim Ummah is divided even on small contemporary issues. One fact stands out, i.e the Majority of the Muslims not only Respect but highly regard the Sahaba (رضی اللہ عنہم) and the pious predecessors that followed such as Imam Anas bin Malik, Abu Hanifah, Shafii , Ahmad bin Hanbal and many other Classical Scholars. The Prophet () said "The best of the people are my generation, then those after them, then those after them......"   [Muslim]

·         We try to be - as flexible as possible-and accommodate your need - as far as possible
·         Fast, Flexible & Reliable Service
·         We are trying to using only Urdu Language.

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Muraqba karny ka tareeqa Sharait e Muraqib

 Muraqba karny ka tareeqa Sharait e Muraqib دربیان شرائط مراقب   ( مراقبہ کرنے والا ) و مراقبات 1)     منجملہ مراقب کو چاہیے کہ  مراقبہ کے...